The Covent Commerce aims to implement the Covent Group
ideas in one’s immediate business sphere.


Evaluating ideas and projections of society’s corporate development constitutes our business priority.

We believe that the survival of social ideas and the validity of social forecasts are determined by their viability in a specific area of business. That is our primary purpose in creating business structures.

Our secondary purposes include the creation of opportunities for people who share our principles so that they may generate and accumulate material resources for their work and development.

Work Specifics

The structures we create should guarantee jobs and social status for people who support our position or would like to explore it further.

That is why the HR personnel within our structures emphasize the selection of people who are ideologically and spiritually sympathetic to our principles.

The Covent Commerce system is designed for the self-sustainment, self-financing, self-maintenance, and social self-promotion of our fundamental ideas. It is the business and commercial branch within the consortium with which it is affiliated.

The main spheres of our commercial activities are aimed at developing those sectors of the economy which directly or indirectly affect the future of society.

We welcome and attempt to contribute to projects that could be vital in developing the intellectual spheres of human activity in general.


Trends and Strategies

Analyzing projected social development in the area
of business and finance

Creating self-sustaining
and self-financing systems
for all key ideas of the Covent Group

Sound Social Structure

Personal Aspect

Selection of people who are ideologically and spiritually sympathetic to Covent Commerce ideas and principles

Providing jobs, social status,
and material resources for people maintaining Covent Commerce principles

Covent Group is a hierarchical system embracing a number of specialized independent branches governed by unified Covent Group standards and pursuing a common global goal.

Find out more about the collaboration pattern of the Covent system of companies

We invite you
to join our community.

If our mission and purpose coincide with yours, we would be happy to discuss them with you in person!

Contact us

At the moment the website is temporarily available to a limited number of users.
Sadly, experience shows that the information contained here may be used for purposes other than what this Internet resource was initially intended for.

We are grateful to all interested users who register on our website and leave sufficient information for us to get to know them.

You will soon become convinced that by using our website you will find yourselves members of a very respectable company.

Copyright © 2016 Covent. All rights reserved.